Thursday, April 27, 2023

Blog Post #7- Age of AI

 After watching the video about the Age of AI, I had a lot of different thoughts about it. Learning about technology is always interesting, but it becomes a little scary when that technology could be replacing you. There were a few different shocks in this video about the effects of AI, even outside of taking jobs. AI affects things like inequality in our workplaces and our very own economy. 

The use of AI by companies provides more efficiency; what is efficiency when it comes to businesses and companies? Less workers and more money. AI provides this exactly, which means they have no real reason to keep the workers that can be easily replaced by this new technology. However, do not let this sway you completely. There are quite a few positive things to gain from this AI technology; for example, a lot of these algorithms and AI technology are made to improve for you. This means it is always trying to get better and tailor things better towards you. 
One of the more concerning things regarding AI technology, is how it affects our privacy. AI softwares such as ChatGPT are meant to be human in nature. For example, the social media app, Snapchat, has released a new feature called 'My AI' where users are able to chat with their own personal AI bot. The concerning part is that for this technology to have been made, our data and behavior online must have been analyzed. There is also a concern about our privacy and businesses. Businesses that use this new AI technology want to know what we are doing now, soon, and later. Analyzing our activity online will tell them everything they want to know about us. At the end of the day, it is up to each individual to decide if AI is a good or bad thing; it depends on how much you want to gain and how much you are willing to give up. 

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