Monday, April 24, 2023

Blog Post #8- The Internet and World Wide Web (Reaction Post)

We use the internet and world wide web everyday. I use both every time I write and publish a blog. I recently learned about its history and how it was developed. The growth of the internet has happened extremely fast; in under a century, it has been integrated into our everyday life so much that if it were to stop working, it would collapse a lot of things all over the world. There are a lot of pros and cons that come with the using the internet, but overall it seems to have done a lot of good for advancing society. 

The first version of this revolutionary creation was made in 1969, called ARAPNET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). It was mainly used for academic and research purposes but lasted until the late 80s. ARAPNET was nothing like the internet we know and love today. It was two computers sending data to each other over a local network. As simple as that seems, it was the foundation for building the internet that exists today. This first version of the internet was more basic than what we see today. 
When the world wide web was first introduced to the public, it was used for some very basic tasks. 
These included rapid communication, the first electronic news sources, stock market trading, and some small entertainment. For example, this is when email was first being used and when we could watch Youtube videos for the first time. It may all seem a little weird that the internet was limited to such small things (which were revolutionary at the time) when it has expanded to something much more today. The world wide web has expanded and become its own living ecosystem of online activity. Online social media has taken the world by storm; there is much more independent news and journalism because of how easy it is to publish things. There are also many developments of new online currencies, also known as cryptocurrencies. Although there are a ton of good things that the world wide web brought us, there have also been a fair share of bad things such as the Dark Web. 

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