Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Blog Post #6- AntiWar and the Progressive Era

 It is no secret that the media we consume is filtered by the government and by our own interactions. Most media we receive is through our phones which track all of our data and filter the news and politics we see depending on that. However, there are things that are filtered not by our own accord. Although America is a country that allows free speech, there are some things that somehow become hidden or not 'mainstream.' One of these things seems to be any speech that is 'antiwar' or perceived as 'anti-government'. 

When looking at websites like AntiWar, you can tell that it is an obscure website that has difficulty getting traffic. For example, I bet that when you just clicked on that link just now, your browser asked if you were sure you wanted to be redirected to that website before actually sending you to it. It did for me. However, there was no reason given for why you shouldn't be redirected to the site. After looking at the website it is clear there is nothing threatening to the safety of your device, besides the blatant antiwar speech. So why are these websites so hidden in our world wide web? I personally believe it is because they contain 'unsavory' and 'unpopular' statements that heavily criticize the government and our involvement in wars. 

Is there really any surprise that these anti war websites are heavily censored? In the past, anybody that was antiwar would be jailed and severely punished. Obviously, that cannot happen today but they can still censor voices. It is even more interesting because the websites like The American Conservative are not exclusively antiwar, but are still obscure because of that occasional positioning in some articles. As a young adult in America, it is shocking to see the number of people that disagree with the media that I see everyday, also known as the mainstream media. There is so much to learn from these websites and they can help gain a new perspective on the events happening in our world today. 

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